Saturday, July 18, 2009

Starting health stats with updates

Before I started trying to lose weight (on July 1st) I spent a week monitoring some health stats.

Here's where things were when I started :

Blood Pressure 130 / 84 ( ideal BP according to Wikipedia 112 /64)

Resting Heart Rate 65 (normal 60 to 80)

Fasting Blood Glucose 103 (above 100 is considered pre-diabetic)

Weight 158 (ideal weight for my height - 5 ft - is 97 to 128 lbs depending on what chart you use)

Waist 41 (I haven't set a goal for this yet)

And here are where things are as of this morning (18 days later):

Blood Pressure 113 / 78

Resting Heart Rate 55

Fasting Blood Glucose 96

Weight 151

Waist 38

So things are looking up though I still have a long way to go.



©2009 Minimally Me | by TNB